sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

19/12 Thursday. Class 13

Hey! Today was the last class of this trimestre and this year!
We had a small Christmas party - the students have showed a Christmas play (you can watch the photos in the next entry). We have also watched other groups and their Christmas presentations! They were fun!!!

And, of course, today we announced the Olympic Games winner:
Marco Castaño! Congratulations! Keep on like that! Hope you liked your present!
Hey, the rest, try hard next trimester!

In your folders you´ve got the materials from this course and evaluations! Don´t forget to bring the flolders back next course!

Summary of the course:
Topics: Animals, My Toys, Days of the Week.

Grammar structures: Present Simple, Present Continuous, have/has got, there is/there are, can/can´t.

Vocabulary: names of the animals (wild, farm, pets), adjectives to describe animals (fluffy, dangerous, fast etc.), parts of the body (ears, wings, claws, beak etc.), numbers (0-100), colours, prepositions of place, giving short information about animals (where it lives, colour, what it eats, how it looks like etc.); names of toys, likes/dislikes, what we do with toys (play, skip, twirl, solve, fly etc.); days of the week, free-time activities and hobbies, likes/dislikes, habits (I usually ...), abilities (can/can´t).

Projects: My favourite Animals, My Toys.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Have a nice holiday and see you on January 13th.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

12/12 Thursday. Class 12

Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is coming and we´re getting prepared for it!

Today we´ve been rehearsing (ensayar) our small play "Christmas Adventure". You´re real talanted actors.

Don´t forget to bring some costumes and decorations:
Santa - a red Santa´s hat
Elf - some green clothes and/or green hat
Girl - some clothes to look like a girl or pyjamas
Robbers - some black clothes and/or black hats and glasses

For decorations we need: a big bag or sack for Santa, a bag for robbers, some Christmas decorations for the room (balls, garlands, socks), boxes wrapped in colourful paper (Christmas presents).

We have finished our Olympic Games competition and we already have the winner! So, be prepared for a surprise!

Learn please your roles and the song (the link is in the previous blog entry)!

See you next week! Ho, ho, ho...

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

05/12 Thursday. Class 11

Hello! How´re you?

Today we´ve revised a little bit of grammar (Present Simple IIId person):
Simon plays tennis on Monday. He doesn´t go swimming on Wednesday.
Does he watch TV at the weekend? - Yes, he does/No, he doesn´t.

You were reading the sentences about Simon´s week.Very good!

We´ve also done some writing and spelling activity and you got your points for Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 5 points
Player 2 - 7 points
Player 3 - 9 points
Player 4 - 2 points
Player 5 - 5 points

Some of you have to revise the spelling of some words, check them out:
to play volleyball, to ride a horse, to play basketball, to cook, to go skating, to go running, to do my homework, to watch TV, to play tennis, to go swimming.

We also sang a very funny song "Can an elephant jump?" and revised "can" expressions:
Can it jump? - No, it can´t.
Can it walk? - Yes, it can.

If you liked a song, watch a video and sing it again!

What can/can´t you do?
I can sing, but I can´t skate.

And, of course, Christmas is coming! So, we´ve started preparing a short Christmas play "A Christmas Adventure". Everybody has his roles: 
Marco - Santa Claus 
Sandra - Girl
Alberto - robber Tommy 
Gonzalo -  robber Billy  
Olivia - elf

Your homework is to read your roles very well and we´ll start rehearsing next week. Think what costumes and things you´ll need for the play.
Here´s a song we´ll sing at Christmas day - "Santa Claus is coming to town" .


You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out
Who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town