viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

30/01 Thursday. Class 4

Today you´ve done a presentation of your projects "My City"! You did very well!
You all get 10 points for Olympic Games!

Today we´ve started a new topic "Where do you live". We´ve learnt some new words (city, town, village, flat, house, cottage):
Where do you live? - I live in a flat in the town. And I live in a house in the city.
Where does he/she live? - Monica lives in a cottage in the village.

In the house there is a basement, a garage, a garden, an attic, stairs, upstairs, downstairs.
In the flat there is a balcony, a lift.
Also some new words that we can see in the house/flat (fireplace, laundry room, skylight, ceiling, window, roof, walls etc.).

We also learnt a new song "House", listen to it again and sing along.

We read a strory about Eric and his house in Ireland. Your homework is to do exercise B in your copy (answer the questions in writing).

Extra task:match the parts of the house with the box below, write a number in a circle.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

23/01 Thursday. Class 3

You were so good today! You all did your homework very well!
Thank you those who have done the extra activity, you get 3 extra points.

Today we learnt how to move around the city:
turn left/right, cross the street, turn around, go straight on, it´s on your right/left;
and we revised the prepositions of place: next to, behind, between, in front of.

Also we learnt how to ask for and give directions:
Where is the supermarket? - It´s next to the cinema.
How do I get there? - Go straight on, then turn left in River Street. The supermarket is on your right. 

We did some spelling check and here´re your results for Olympic Games:
Player 1 - 7+3=10 points
Player 2 - 8+3=11 points
Player 3 - 10+3=13 points
Player 4 - 10+3=13 points
Player 5 - 3+3=6 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 7 points

Your homework is to prepare a project "My City"(10 sentences with a photo/picture):
What places are/arean´t there in your city?
Where are they?
What can people do there?

My native town is Chernihiv in Ukraine.
There are 5 churches in my town. There is a cinema in my town. It´s next to the town hall. People can watch films there. There is a beautiful theatre.
It is in front of the cinema. People can listen to music there or watch the performances.
There isn´t an airport in my town.
There are many shops in my town: shoe shops, pet shops, clothes shops etc.
People can buy different things there.
I love my town, because it´s small and beautiful.

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

16/01 Thursday. Class 2

Hello! Glad to see you again!

Wow, you were really great today! You worked very well! Great job!

So, we revised the vocabulary of places in the city and checked your homework! Everybody did it well! We also checked the extra task from the blog:
This is a cinema. People can watch films (movies) there.
This is a gas (petrol) station. People can refill their car there.
This is a hairdresser´s. People can cut their hair there.
This is a disco club. People can dance there.
Thank you Marco, Alberto, Sandra and Olivia for doing the extra task. You get 2 extra points for it.

We also created a real city with many places in it - an airport, a hotel, a park, a museum, a police station etc. Then you were describing you city:
There is a cinema in my city.
There isn´t a library in my city.

All of you got 10 points for you cities and the presentation, so in total for today´s Olympic Games we´ve got:
Player 1 - 12 points
Player 2 - 12 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 12 points
Player 5 - 12 points
Player 6 - 10 points
Player 7 - 10 points

Your homework is to write the sentences using your map (4 affirmative and 4 negative sentences):
Example: There is a cinema in my city. There isn´t a library in my city.

And now extra task (3 points):
Mary is very busy. She needs to do lots of things:

  1. She needs to send a postcard to her friend to London.
  2. She wants to do her yoga class.
  3. She needs to buy some milk and fruit.
  4. She needs to return her book.
  5. She needs to buy some Aspirin.
  6. She needs to buy a newspaper for her father.                                                                                   Name all the places Mary has to go to. Write it in your notebook.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Trimester II. 09/01 Thursday. Class 1

Hello and welcome everybody to our class again!
Hope you had a good holiday and now are ready to learn English and have a lot of fun with new energy! Welcome new students - Laura and Luis to our group!

Today we found out what presents you got for Christmas (clothes, toys, games, books, a bracelet etc.):
What did you get for Christmas? - I got a/some jacket/books for Christmas.

Also we started a new topic today - "Where do you live". We learnt different places in the town (a bank, a hotel, a post office, a train station, a supermarket, a shop, a bakery, a chemist´s etc.):
Where can I buy some bread? - In the bakery.
Where can I see wild animals? - At the zoo.

Here´s a list of our new words you can check it here - A list.

We also practised the spelling of the words. Do you remember how to spell them? Let´s check! Play this funny game on-line and check your spelling!

And of course we started our Olympic Games competition again. You have a chance to become a winner! Our first results:
Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 3 points
Player 5 - 3 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 2 points
Your homework is to find all those words in the word search in your copy.

And now an extra task (2 points extra): Look at the pictures and say what those places are? What can people do there?