viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

27/02 Thursday. Class 8

Hello! How´re you?
Today we listened to your presentations "My House", they were creative and interesting.
Next class I´ll announce you your points for Olympic Games.

We´ve started a new topic "My Family" and learnt many new words:

mother/mum, father/dad, daughter, son, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, grandmother/grandmum, grandfather/granddad, wife, husband, cousin, children, twins, parents etc.

I have got a brother.
I haven´t got a sister.

We also learnt a new issue in grammar - Possessive Case (when smth belongs to smb):
Whose book is it?  - This is Sara´s book.
Whose toy is it? - This is Adriana´s toy.
Whose cars are they - These are John´s cars.

We also read the Simpson´s Family tree and did some tasks using Possessive Case:
Bart is Lisa´s brother.
Homer is Marge´s husband.

Your homework is to write 5 sentences about your family (names and ages):
I´ve got a brother. His name is ... . He is ... years old.
I haven´t got a sister etc.

Extra activity (2 points) -  continue the sentences:

1. Maud is July´s ...
2. Ned is July´s ...
3. Diana is Maud´s ...
4. Edward is Diana´s ...
5. Wendy is July´s ...
6. Kate, John and Fred are Diana´s ...
7. Fred is Jimmy´s ...

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

20/02 Thursday. Class 7

Hello! How are you?

Today we learnt a lot of new words - furniture and things we can have in different rooms:
living-room (a sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, a lamp, a stool, a rug);
bedroom (a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a dresser, a clock);
kitchen (a stove, a fridge, a microwave, a toaster, a counter, a glass, a plate, a pot);
bathroom (a toilet, a sink, a bathtub, a shower, a towel rack, soap, toilet paper);

Also we revised how to say what there is/there are in your flat/house:
Is there a stove in your kitchen? - Yes, there is.
Are there cusions in the living room? - No, there aren´t.

Do you like to play games? Let´s check how well you know the furniture words:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

And, of course, our Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 4+3 = 7 - 1 point = 6 points
Player 2 - 6+3 = 9 points
Player 3 - 12+3 = 15 points
Player 4 - 3+5 = 8 points
Player 5 - 3+3 = 6 points
Player 6 - 6 points
Player 7 - 0 points

We started making our own house.
Your homework is to finish the house and to write 10 sentences describing the house.

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

13/02 Thursday. Class 6

Today you were great. You learnt the expressions with "ou" and "ow" and got extra points!

We learnt some new things today - ORDINAL NUMBERS! We use them to say in what position in a series something or somebody is.
1 - the first                              6 - the sixth
2 - the second                         7 - the seventh
3 - the third                            8 - the eighth
4 - the fourth                          9 - the ninth
5 - the fifth                            10 - the tenth

We found out where the crocodile lives! He lives on the sixth floor!

Now let´s play some funny games and learn ordinal numbers - Number Games.

We also played Olympic Games and here are the results:

Player 1 - 2+9 = 11 points
Player 2 - 3+9 = 12 points
Player 3 - 2+9 = 11 points
Player 4 - 6+8 = 14 points
Player 5 - 2+5 = 7 points
Player 6 - 6 points
Player 7 - 1+8 = 9points

Today we´ve finally written our letters to the penfriends. Soon we´ll send them and get the answers back. Wow, how exciting!

Your homework is to write the ordinal numbers in words and find them in a wordsearch.

Extra task: 3 points
Answer the questions:

  1. What position is the person wearing a red skirt in a line?
  2. What position is the person wearing brown trousers in a line?
  3. What position is the person wearing a pink dress in a line?
  4. What position is the person wearing a red T-shirt in a line?
  5. What position is the person wearing a red jacket in a line? 
  6. What position is the person wearing a pink T-shirt in a line?

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

06/02 Thursday. Class 5


Today we revised our vocabulary and played a game "Bomb!" You know a lot of words:
a house, a garden, an attic, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a basement, a laundry room, a balcony, a lift, a roof, a window, a door, a study, a dining room, stairs etc.

Do you like to play games? Let´s check how well you know the words.
A Game "Bedroom"    (label everything in the bedroom).
A Game "Rooms"    (practise the names of the rooms).
A Game "Furniture"  (colour the furniture for each room).

Our today´s Olympic Games results:
Player 1 - 2+2= 4 points
Player 2 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 5 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 2 points

Today we also did a pronunciation activity. We found out that some words with "ow" and "ou" can be read like (au):
brown                              mouse
clown                              house
how                                 mouth
now                                 loud
flower                             shout

Also today we´ve started a new Project - My Penfriend. We´re a going to write letters to the students from another country in English. In such a way we´ll make new friends and use English for it!

Your homework is to write 6 sentences about yourself (What´s your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Where are you from? What do you like to do in your free time? What´s you favourite subject at school? etc.).
Also learn by heart one phrase from the copy with "ow" and "ou" (you can learn more than one).