viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

13/03 Thursday. Class 10

Today we´ve checked your homework, where you had to describe your family:
I´ve got a mother. Her name is ...
I´ve got a father. His name is ...
My mother has got three brothers. Their names are .... They are my uncles.
I haven´t got any brothers or sisters.
I´ve got many cousins.

So, here are your points for extra task - Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 3 points
Player 3 - 0 points
Player 4 - 3 points
Player 5 - 3 points
Player 6 - 0 points
Player 7 - 3 points
Player 8 - 0 points

We couldn´t check your extra task, so you have a chance to do it for the next class. Watch a video about Lottie again!

Today we´ve started a new topic "What do you look like?" We learnt how to describe people´s appearance:
He/she has got blonde/fair/black/brown/white/red/grey hair.
He/she has got long/short hair.
He/she curly/wavy/straight hair.
He´s got a moustache/a beard.
He/she´s wearing glasses/earrings/a hat.

We were practising listening and speaking describing other people.

Let´s play some games!
Game 1
Game 2

Also we learnt a new song "You´re adorable" with a lot of beautiful words that we can say to people we love (adorable, beautiful, cute, darling, kissable, exciting).

Your homework is to listen to the song and learn it.

Extra task (2 points): write 5 sentences describing one member of your family.
Ex. My mother has got short black hair. She´s got straight hair. She isn´t wearing glasses. She´s wearing earrings. Sometimes she´s got a ponytail.

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