viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

24/10 Thursday. Class 5

Hello! Nice to see you after the weekend!

Today we´ve listened to the presentations of your Projects "My Favourite Animal". You all were really great! Thank you for your interesting projects. Those that had their projects prepared at home got 10 points for Olympic Games and 9 points those who were doing the project in class! Good job!

We have our projects on the wall for a display! And here´re our photos with the presentations:
Gonzalo and his prepsentation

Alberto and his fish

Marco and Olivia with their common presentation

Sandra and her favorite animal

Today we´ve started a new topic "My Toys"!

Do you remember the new words (a car, blocks, cards, marbles, a bicycle, a book, a video game, a doll, a puzzle, a train, a yo-yo, a hula hoop)?

  • Do you have a bicycle? - Yes, I do/No, I don´t.
  • What is there in your room? - There is a computer in my room. There are pictures in my room. 

Listen to the "Toy Song". What toys can you see? Write in your comments.

Now your homework: 
What is there in your room?
There is a ... .
There are ... . 

Write in the comments below!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

17/10 Thursday. Class 4

Glad to see you again after a long weekend!

Today we´ve revised the prepositions of place (in, on, under, behind, between, next to, in front of). Do you remember them all? Sing a song "In, on , under" and practise once again!

We have also learnt different parts of the animal body (wings, claws, paws, feathers, trunk, tusks, legs, beak, body, mane, tail).
A lion has got a big mane and sharp teeth.
An elephant has got a long trunk, tusks and a big body.
An eagle has got a beak, big wings and sharp claws.

We´ve had some fun and created a "mixed-up" monster! You were really creative and imaginative!

The results of our today´s Olympic games we´ll sum up next class with your Project!

Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 2 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 2 points
Player 4 - 1 point
Player 5 - 2 points

Today we had one more new student, Olivia! Welcome to our class! So, our group is getting bigger, now there´re 5 students! Great! More fun!

Little Sandra was very active today. Always with her hand up and ready to answer. Very good!

So, your homework is to prepare a project "My Favourite Animal" where you bring a photo and describe your favourite animal! Hey, guys, you´ll get points for the project!

Here´s my example below:

My favourite animal is a crocodile. It´s very big, scary and dangerous. It´s green and black. It has got a long tail, big sharp teeth and claws. It´s a wild animal.  It lives in the river and eats meat. It can swim very well.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

10/10 Thursday. Class 3


Hey, you were very active today! Wonderful and ... colourful! Today we´ve revised colours (red, green, blue etc.). Oh, and we were singing a great song "Alphabet palette".

If you want to practise colours, listen to the song "Colours".

There are many things around us of different colours.
Your homework: write what colour things are around you (What is red? green? blue?etc.) The song "Colours" can help you (A lemon is yellow. Sky is blue etc.) Write in your comments below!

We also read a text "Greedy Zebra". Do you remember why it´s greedy? Why does zebra have a small black coat and stripes? Don´t forget to colour the animals from the text!

Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 7 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 4 points

Today a new student joined our group, it´s Sandra! Welcome! She´s small, but was competing with the boys as equal!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

03/10 Thursday. Class 2

Today you all were very, very active!!!  Great! We did sooooo many things!

We´ve revised the numbers 1-10 and learnt how to say big numbers 10-100. Wow, you were really good! You can watch a video if you forgot, click here.

We´ve seen animals in the pictures: Are there cats in the picture? - Yes, there are.
How many cats are there? - There are two cats./ There is only one cat.

We´ve learnt a new song today: "Five fat sausages sitting in a pan", watch a video and sing!

We´ve also learnt how to describe an animal: cute, fluffy, dangerous, fast, clever, scary, funny etc.

And of course our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 11 points
Player 2 - 9 points
Player 3 - 7 points

Hey, don´t worry, if you forgot how to write big-big numbers, check here.

And now your homework: write in the comments below - What´s your favourite animal and why?