domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

10/10 Thursday. Class 3


Hey, you were very active today! Wonderful and ... colourful! Today we´ve revised colours (red, green, blue etc.). Oh, and we were singing a great song "Alphabet palette".

If you want to practise colours, listen to the song "Colours".

There are many things around us of different colours.
Your homework: write what colour things are around you (What is red? green? blue?etc.) The song "Colours" can help you (A lemon is yellow. Sky is blue etc.) Write in your comments below!

We also read a text "Greedy Zebra". Do you remember why it´s greedy? Why does zebra have a small black coat and stripes? Don´t forget to colour the animals from the text!

Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 7 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 4 points

Today a new student joined our group, it´s Sandra! Welcome! She´s small, but was competing with the boys as equal!

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