jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

28/11 Thursday. Class 10

Hello! How´re you?

Today we´ve been doing lots of interesting things!
We´ve revised our vocabulary (sports and free-time activities) and played a guessing game:
What do you do on Monday? - I play tennis on Monday.
 What do you do on Tuesday? - I go dancing on Tuesday.

We did a quiz game - Who´s the best at sports and hobbies? 
And here´re our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 4 points
Player 2- 6 points
Player 3 - 7 points
Player 4 - 5 points
Player 5 - 3 points

We´ve also revised some grammar (Present Simple IIId person):
What does Mr.Johnson do on Saturday morning? - He watches TV.
What does Mrs.Johnson do on Sunday afternoon? - She visits her friends.

Here´s a funny game "Sports Mixer". Do you know all the sports well? Let´s check!

And of course we sang a song! Do you remember a "Sports Balls" song? Sing it again!

Your homework is to write 3 positive and 3 negative sentences about Simon. What does he do/doesn´t do during the week? (Use your copy!)
Simon doesn´t go swimming on Monday. Simon does his homework on Wednesday.

What sports and games can you name in the picture?

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

21/11 Thursday. Class 9


Today we´ve listened to your projects "My Toys". You were really very creative and get 10 points for your Olympic Games!
Almost everybody has brought wonderful pictures of their favourite toys, Marco has even brought his real toys! Your presentations were very interesting!

I´m really proud of you, guys! Here´s the photo:

Our group and the projects

And today we´ve started a new topic "Days of the Week". Do you remember our song about days of the week? You can sing it at home again - Song.

We´ve learnt different free-time activities and sports (fishing, playing rugby, skiing, skateboarding, jogging, surfing, cooking). Check the vocabulary on-line - List 1 and List 2.
What do you do on Monday? - I play tennis on Monday.
What do you do on Friday? - I go fishing on Friday.

Your homework is to write about your ideal week. What do you do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. in your dreams

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

14/11 Thursday. Class 8

Hello! How´re you?

Today we´ve played a game - domino. You were quick and did everything correctly!
We´ve revised all our toys and what we do with them:
Do you like to solve puzzles? - Yes, I do/No, I don´t.
I like to play with marbles.
I don´t like to play with dolls.

You were really great singing a Toy Song.
Here´s one more song "What do you like to do?" you can learn it and sing at home.

Here´s the Internet Game we played in the class. You can play it also at home "Whose present?".
Kyle likes to read stories and to play with cars. What are his presents? - A book and a car.

We´ve learnt some grammar:
What is Billy doing? - He´s riding a bike.
What are children doing? - They´re playing with marbles.

The results of Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 2 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 5 point
Player 4 - 5 points
Player 5 - 2 points

Sandra, Gonzalo and Marco were very quick and active playing Olympic Games! Good job!

Your homework - to prepare a Project "My Toys" (bring photos/pictures of 3 toys and prepare a presentation). You´ll get 10 points for your Olympic Games.
Here´s the example:

I have got a lot of toys and games - a book, a yoyo, a doll, a puzzle, video games. My favourite toys are - a bicycle, a puzzle and a teddy bear. A bicycle is red and it is next to the door. A puzzle is on the desk. A teddy bear is brown with a pink ribbon and it´s on my bed. I like to ride a bike, to solve puzzles and to play with my teddy bear. But I don´t like to play video games and to skip a jump rope.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

7/11 Thursday. Class 7


Today we were describing different rooms - neat and messy! You were really good and know well the prepositions of place.

We´ve learnt new verbs today - what we can do with different toys:

You can play (cards, video games, games), play with (a car, a teddy bear, a ball), solve a puzzle, ride a bicycle, read (a book, comics), twirl a hula-hoop, skip a jump rope, watch a DVD, collect marbles, fly a kite etc.

And the results of our Olympic Games:
Player 1 - 2 points
Player 2 - 7 points
Player 3 - 6 point
Player 4 - 6 points
Player 5 - 2 points

You were all very active today and guessed a lot of toys!!! Good job!
Your homework: listen to the song "Toy Song" again and learn the lyrics below.

Toy Song

There´re model cars
And a toy guitar,
There´s a teddy bear
And a doll with curly hair.

Toys, toys, toys
Lots of lovely toys
In my toy box there´re toys
For every girl and boy.

There´re jig-saw puzzles
And computer games,
Lots of railway tracks,
Carriages and trains .

Toys, toys, toys
Lots of lovely toys
In my toy box there´re toys
For every girl and boy.

Look inside my toy box
See what you can find there,
You can play with anything
´Cause I like to share.

There´re crayons, paints and pens,
So I can paint my face.
There´re robots, rockets, ships
And bugs from outer space.

Toys, toys, toys
Lots of lovely toys
In my toy box there´re toys
 For every girl and boy.

Look inside my toy box
See what you can find there,
You can play with anything
´Cause I like to share.

Toys, toys, toys
Lots of lovely toys
In my toy box there´re toys
For every girl and boy.

Now write in the comments:
What do you like/ don´t like to do with your toys? (3 sentences)
Example: I like to play with a ball. I don´t like to jump a jump rope. I like to watch DVDs.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

31/10 Thursday. Class 6

Hello! And Happy Halloween!

 Do you remember the toys and games? Here´s a funny puzzle for you to play "Toys Puzzle". How many toys can you find?

Today we´ve revised the prepositions of place that you already know very well.
We need them to say where something is in our room (behind, on, in, in front of, next to, between, under etc.).  
Where´s a ball? - It´s under the table.
Where´re pictures? - They´re on the wall.

How fast are you in making sentences with prepositions? Let´s check! Play a game "Word2word".

Today we´ve cut out and put toys all around the room. How messy(desordenada) it is now!
We did some spelling work today and our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 9 points
Player 3 - 9 points
Player 4 - 10 points
Player 5 - 6 points

Your hometask: Where´re toys and games in your room? Write 5 sentences in the comments!
Example: There´s a computer on the table. There are comics on the shelf etc.

Moldes de figuras de Halloween3.jpg 
 And of course it´s Halloween Time!
What costumes do you see in the picture? 
(vampire ...) 

Do you like Halloween? What´s your favourite costume?
Do you know Halloween words? Check it!
Play a Halloween Game
