jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

28/11 Thursday. Class 10

Hello! How´re you?

Today we´ve been doing lots of interesting things!
We´ve revised our vocabulary (sports and free-time activities) and played a guessing game:
What do you do on Monday? - I play tennis on Monday.
 What do you do on Tuesday? - I go dancing on Tuesday.

We did a quiz game - Who´s the best at sports and hobbies? 
And here´re our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 4 points
Player 2- 6 points
Player 3 - 7 points
Player 4 - 5 points
Player 5 - 3 points

We´ve also revised some grammar (Present Simple IIId person):
What does Mr.Johnson do on Saturday morning? - He watches TV.
What does Mrs.Johnson do on Sunday afternoon? - She visits her friends.

Here´s a funny game "Sports Mixer". Do you know all the sports well? Let´s check!

And of course we sang a song! Do you remember a "Sports Balls" song? Sing it again!

Your homework is to write 3 positive and 3 negative sentences about Simon. What does he do/doesn´t do during the week? (Use your copy!)
Simon doesn´t go swimming on Monday. Simon does his homework on Wednesday.

What sports and games can you name in the picture?

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