martes, 24 de junio de 2014

24/06 Tuesday. Class 11


Our course is almost over. We´re looking forward to a great final of it on Tuesday, 24th! We´re going to represent a small performance "The Wizard of Oz".

I´m very happy to announce a winner of the Olympic Games that same day. The winner is Alberto Donallo! Congratulations!

Summer is coming! Let´s play English games in summer too! They´re fun and help to practise English. So, I´m leaving some links with funny games.
Have a happy holiday! Learn and Enjoy!

Games to learn English
English for kids
Learn English Kids
English Fun Games
Fun English Games

domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

12/06 Thursday. Class 10


We´re getting closer to the first night of our preformance. So, today we kept on rehearsing!
But still you have extra activities which can bring you points. Be active and win the Olympics!

Here are the results of Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 5 points
Player 2 - 0 points
Player 3 - 0 points
Player 4 - 0 points
Player 5 - 5 points
Player 6 - 0 points
Player 7 - 0 points

Today´s extra task (2 points for each word you choose) is the following - in this link "Word of the Week" choose three words you like and be ready to explain them.
Make up three sentences with these words.

For example: I choose a word "awesome". It means something very good, great. 
I like this film, it´s awesome!

Now, it´s your turn! Which words do you like?

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

05/06 Thursday. Class 9


Today we tried to rehearse our play and it was wonderful. You´re real actors! The only last thing we need is to learn the roles. So, next class try to learn the most of it.

Your group has a performance on Tuesday, 24th of June. We have to be in the library at 9.30 a.m.

Also don´t forget about extra tasks that I put here, this will give you points.
Our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 3 points
Player 3 - 3 points
Player 4 - - points
Player 5 - 3 points
Player 6 - 3 points
Player 7 - 3 points  

Extra task (5 points): watch the video "The Lucky Envelope"and do the task below. Fill in the gaps with the words you hear.

Write the missing words in the sentences.
a. One day, an envelope arrived. Inside it said “You’ve won a free _________”
b. Dalia wanted to go to the _______________. Dad wanted to go camping.
c. Ahmed wanted to go on a _______________. Mum wanted to go to a big city.
d. But really the holiday was to visit their _______________ – she had tricked them!
e. Ahmed got his nice food and Dad got his fresh _______________.
f. Mum went _______________ and Dalia swam in the sea.
g.Everybody was _______________! 
Where would you like to go on your perfect holiday? Why? What can you do
there? Write about it and draw a picture!

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

29/05 Thursday. Class 8

Today we´ve revised the clothes vocabulary and played A Bomb game.
We also did some listening where we had to find people described in the picture.

This was our Olympic Games task:

Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - - points
Player 4 - 4 points
Player 5 - 2 points
Player 6 - 5 points
Player 7 - 5 points

 Now let´s play a game "Big Describer". How many points did you get?

And now extra task (3 points): watch a video "Clothes and Weather" and answer the questions:
What are they wearing when it´s sunny and hot?
What are they wearing when it´s cold?
What are they wearing when it´s raining?
Where are they going?

We also rehearsed our play, next class we´ll try to do it without reading. So, start learning your part.

Next class we´re going to do the rehearsal.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

22/05 Thursday. Class 7


Today we started a new topic "My Friend". We revised how to describe the appearance:
Donna has got long brown hair and green eyes.
Michael is wearing a blue shirt and white trousers.

We revised and learnt some new words of clothes: a scarf, a jacket, trousers, shoes, a skirt, a jumper, a sweater, slippers, a dress etc.

Now it´s time to play a game! 
Let´s see how many words do you remember. Clothes Memory Game!

Our Olympic Games results:

Player 1 - 9 points
Player 2 - 11 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 9 points
Player 5 - 8 points
Player 6 - 3 points
Player 7 - 7 points

Let´s sing a song about clothes! Listen to the song, watch a video and sing along! Clothes Song.

Your homework is to mark and read well all your remarks in the performance. Think about your costume and things you´ll need for a play.

Extra task (2 points): play a game "Clothes Wordsearch", write out all 10 words you find in the wordsearch.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

15/05 Thursday. Class 5


Today we did many things and had lots of fun!
We were talking about daily routine of other people and practised s/es.
We played Bingo and Guessing Game, you did very well. 

For Olympic Games those who did extra task get 3 points!

Also we learnt how to make questions about somebody´s daily routine. We learnt the verb "does":
What time does Ana wake up?
When does she go to school?
Where does she study?

Do you remember that a greedy verb "does" robs the ending from a verb?

Let´s check how you remember it! Play a Basketball Grammar Game! How many points can you get?

Here´s one more game for you - Hangman. Play a game and save a man!

Extra task (3 points): Do you have a favourite singer or actor? Write about his/her daily routine. What does he/she do during the day? (7 sentences).

P.S. We are planning to make a theatre performance at the end of the course called "The Wizard of Oz". Please, confirm if you´re available the last week of June (exact time and date are not decided yet)!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

8/05 Thursday. Class 4


Today we talked about daily routines of other people. Do you remember our magic -s/-es? Every time we talk about someone else we add the ending -s or -es.

She wake up + -s = wakes up
He brush + -es = brushes his teeth

We played the board game and made some sentences:
He watches TV.
He wakes up.
He has dinner etc.

Let´s play a game "Monkey Sentence"! Can you put the correct verb into the gaps? Let´s see!

Also we watched two short episodes from the cartoons "Tangled" and "Rio". We saw what Rapunzel and Linda do every morning:
Rapunzel sweeps the floor in the morning.
Linda wakes up at 7.15 a.m.

We did Olympic Games - we had to write some sentences about Rapunzel and Linda:

Player 1 - 4 points
Player 2 - 7 points
Player 3 - 7 points
Player 4 - 8 points
Player 5 - 5 points
Player 6 - 6 points
Player 7 - 5 points

Extra task (3 points): watch a short video "Patricia Pumpkin" and write down the sentences about her daily routine.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

24/04 Thursday. Class 3


How was your holiday? I hope it was good and you enjoyed your time!

Today we revised Daily Routines and time when you do the activities:
I wake up at 7 o´clock.
I make my bed.
After that I have breakfast.
Before I go to school, I brush my teeth. etc.

Also we did some reading. We read about some girls and boys and their routine. We had some unknown words in the text. Let´s revise them!
(a tube, a magazine, porridge, usually, to drive, smoothie, a slice of bread, dishes).

Your homework is to do ex. B in your copies (Olympic Games).

Extra task (2 points): write 5 sentences about children´s daily routine from the texts in the copy (Carla, Melissa, Mark and Diego).
Example: Carla wakes up at 7 o´clock.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

10/04 Thursday. Class 2


Today we´ve been practising our exressions on Daily Routine: we played a guessing game and miming game:
I brush my teeth.
I take a bath.
I go to school.
I have lunch etc.

We also played a Bingo Game!

Do you remember our new song? You can sing it along at home - Morning Routine Song.

Also we revised telling the time:

It´s a quarter past five.

                 It´s half past three.

     It´s five to nine.

We did our Olympic Games and checked how well we know the time:

Player 1 - 8 points
Player 2 - 6 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 9 points
Player 5 - 6 points
Player 6 - 7 points
Player 7 - 9 points

Would you like to practise telling the time and play a funny game? Here it is - Game Telling the Time.

Extra task (3 points): Write the order in which you do these activities and write the time when you do them.
Example: 1. wake up (I wake up at 7 a.m.)

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Trimester III. 03/04 Thursday. Class 1


Finally, we recieved the letters from our Ukrainian friends and today we were reading them!
Also we were answering the letters. We wrote about our family and asked questions about their families!

the letters from our Ukrainian friends

We started a new topic "My Daily Routine", what we do every day:
wake up, get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, go to school, catch a bus, have a shower etc.

We read a text about Stella and her routine.

Let´s play some games and learn new words - "Daily routine" Games.

How many points did you get?

Your homework is to learn the new words and read the text again.

Extra task (3 points): play the game and write down in your exercises all the senences - Game.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

27/03 Thursday. Class 12


Today we had the end of our winter trimester and we had a small "party"!!!
Your dishes were sooooo delicious and tasty and your presentations were also very good.

 Aslo today we announced the winners of our Olympic Games (we have two this trimester) - Gonzalo and Sandra! Congratulations! Keep on like that!

We were also listening to your presentations.  Here are the photos from our party!

A delicious cake "Learn and Enjoy"

Sandra and her presentation

Luis and his recipe

Gonzalo and his presentation

One more news today! This is a message from our Ukrainian friends. They have sent the letters already and we´ll get them very soon!

So, next week we´re starting a new trimester!

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

20/03 Thursday. Class 11

Today we listened to the description of your family. This was your extra activity. Very good!

Aslo we learnt some new words to describe appearance (strong, weak, tall, short, beautiful, ugly, pretty, handsome, old, young etc.)
We played domino and you remembered all the words!
Listen to the song and sing it along. Repeat and learn new words!
"Describe People" Song

Today you were drawing your best friend and described him/her:
My best friend´s name is ...
She has got long curly hair.
She´s wearing glasses.
She is thin and pretty. She is funny.

Here are the results of the Olympic Games:
Player 1 - 5 points
Player 2 - 5 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 5 points
Player 5 - 5 points
Player 6 - 2 points
Player 7 - 4 points
Player 8 - 3 points

Next week is our last week in this trimester and we´re organising "a party". Don´t forget to bring your favourite dish cooked by you (better smth. transportable and sweet). Also you have to prepare a presentation of your dish (name, ingredients, recipe, how to make it).

Next class we are also going to announce a winner of Olympic Games! A small surprise is waiting for you!

The presentation of your favourite dish. Example:
My favourite dish is pancakes. They are sweet and we eat them for dessert.
To make pancakes we need - eggs, flour, milk, some salt and some suger, olive oil.
First,  pour milk in a bowl and add eggs.
Then add a little bit of suger and salt.
Secondly, add flour and mix everything.
Finally, put a little bit of oil olive in a frying pan and fry the pancakes.
Serve them with any stuffing you like.

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

13/03 Thursday. Class 10

Today we´ve checked your homework, where you had to describe your family:
I´ve got a mother. Her name is ...
I´ve got a father. His name is ...
My mother has got three brothers. Their names are .... They are my uncles.
I haven´t got any brothers or sisters.
I´ve got many cousins.

So, here are your points for extra task - Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 3 points
Player 3 - 0 points
Player 4 - 3 points
Player 5 - 3 points
Player 6 - 0 points
Player 7 - 3 points
Player 8 - 0 points

We couldn´t check your extra task, so you have a chance to do it for the next class. Watch a video about Lottie again!

Today we´ve started a new topic "What do you look like?" We learnt how to describe people´s appearance:
He/she has got blonde/fair/black/brown/white/red/grey hair.
He/she has got long/short hair.
He/she curly/wavy/straight hair.
He´s got a moustache/a beard.
He/she´s wearing glasses/earrings/a hat.

We were practising listening and speaking describing other people.

Let´s play some games!
Game 1
Game 2

Also we learnt a new song "You´re adorable" with a lot of beautiful words that we can say to people we love (adorable, beautiful, cute, darling, kissable, exciting).

Your homework is to listen to the song and learn it.

Extra task (2 points): write 5 sentences describing one member of your family.
Ex. My mother has got short black hair. She´s got straight hair. She isn´t wearing glasses. She´s wearing earrings. Sometimes she´s got a ponytail.

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

06/03 Thursday. Class 9

So, we talked about your family today:
I´ve got a brother. His name is Alex. He is 16 years old.
I´ve got an aunt. She is my mother´s sister. Her name is Sarah. She is 45.

You did it very well. Also some of you did the extra task in the blog and got 2 extra points. Well done!

We listened to a boy answering the questions and we completed the profile.
We practised asking questions:

What´s your name? How do you spell it?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What´s your father´s name?
Where does he work?

Today you´ve been making your family tree and then you made the presentations - very interesting and creative!

Your points for the previous Olympic Games (description of the house):

Player 1 - 10 points
Player 2 - 9 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 10 points
Player 5 - 8 points
Player 6 - 0 points
Player 7 - 8 points
Player 8 - 0 points

Your homework (3 points): watch a video about Lottie and her Dad. (Video link)

Answer the questions:
1. Who does Lottie live with? What´s her dad´s name?
2. How old is he?
3. Who makes breakfast every day?
4. What does her father do? (his profession)
5. What does Lottie help her father?
6. What do Lottie and her father do after tea?
7. What does dad like doing?
8. Where do they go at the weekend?
9. Does Lottie like concerts?

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

27/02 Thursday. Class 8

Hello! How´re you?
Today we listened to your presentations "My House", they were creative and interesting.
Next class I´ll announce you your points for Olympic Games.

We´ve started a new topic "My Family" and learnt many new words:

mother/mum, father/dad, daughter, son, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, grandmother/grandmum, grandfather/granddad, wife, husband, cousin, children, twins, parents etc.

I have got a brother.
I haven´t got a sister.

We also learnt a new issue in grammar - Possessive Case (when smth belongs to smb):
Whose book is it?  - This is Sara´s book.
Whose toy is it? - This is Adriana´s toy.
Whose cars are they - These are John´s cars.

We also read the Simpson´s Family tree and did some tasks using Possessive Case:
Bart is Lisa´s brother.
Homer is Marge´s husband.

Your homework is to write 5 sentences about your family (names and ages):
I´ve got a brother. His name is ... . He is ... years old.
I haven´t got a sister etc.

Extra activity (2 points) -  continue the sentences:

1. Maud is July´s ...
2. Ned is July´s ...
3. Diana is Maud´s ...
4. Edward is Diana´s ...
5. Wendy is July´s ...
6. Kate, John and Fred are Diana´s ...
7. Fred is Jimmy´s ...

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

20/02 Thursday. Class 7

Hello! How are you?

Today we learnt a lot of new words - furniture and things we can have in different rooms:
living-room (a sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, a lamp, a stool, a rug);
bedroom (a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a dresser, a clock);
kitchen (a stove, a fridge, a microwave, a toaster, a counter, a glass, a plate, a pot);
bathroom (a toilet, a sink, a bathtub, a shower, a towel rack, soap, toilet paper);

Also we revised how to say what there is/there are in your flat/house:
Is there a stove in your kitchen? - Yes, there is.
Are there cusions in the living room? - No, there aren´t.

Do you like to play games? Let´s check how well you know the furniture words:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

And, of course, our Olympic Games:

Player 1 - 4+3 = 7 - 1 point = 6 points
Player 2 - 6+3 = 9 points
Player 3 - 12+3 = 15 points
Player 4 - 3+5 = 8 points
Player 5 - 3+3 = 6 points
Player 6 - 6 points
Player 7 - 0 points

We started making our own house.
Your homework is to finish the house and to write 10 sentences describing the house.

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

13/02 Thursday. Class 6

Today you were great. You learnt the expressions with "ou" and "ow" and got extra points!

We learnt some new things today - ORDINAL NUMBERS! We use them to say in what position in a series something or somebody is.
1 - the first                              6 - the sixth
2 - the second                         7 - the seventh
3 - the third                            8 - the eighth
4 - the fourth                          9 - the ninth
5 - the fifth                            10 - the tenth

We found out where the crocodile lives! He lives on the sixth floor!

Now let´s play some funny games and learn ordinal numbers - Number Games.

We also played Olympic Games and here are the results:

Player 1 - 2+9 = 11 points
Player 2 - 3+9 = 12 points
Player 3 - 2+9 = 11 points
Player 4 - 6+8 = 14 points
Player 5 - 2+5 = 7 points
Player 6 - 6 points
Player 7 - 1+8 = 9points

Today we´ve finally written our letters to the penfriends. Soon we´ll send them and get the answers back. Wow, how exciting!

Your homework is to write the ordinal numbers in words and find them in a wordsearch.

Extra task: 3 points
Answer the questions:

  1. What position is the person wearing a red skirt in a line?
  2. What position is the person wearing brown trousers in a line?
  3. What position is the person wearing a pink dress in a line?
  4. What position is the person wearing a red T-shirt in a line?
  5. What position is the person wearing a red jacket in a line? 
  6. What position is the person wearing a pink T-shirt in a line?

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

06/02 Thursday. Class 5


Today we revised our vocabulary and played a game "Bomb!" You know a lot of words:
a house, a garden, an attic, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a basement, a laundry room, a balcony, a lift, a roof, a window, a door, a study, a dining room, stairs etc.

Do you like to play games? Let´s check how well you know the words.
A Game "Bedroom"    (label everything in the bedroom).
A Game "Rooms"    (practise the names of the rooms).
A Game "Furniture"  (colour the furniture for each room).

Our today´s Olympic Games results:
Player 1 - 2+2= 4 points
Player 2 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 5 - 4+2= 6 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 2 points

Today we also did a pronunciation activity. We found out that some words with "ow" and "ou" can be read like (au):
brown                              mouse
clown                              house
how                                 mouth
now                                 loud
flower                             shout

Also today we´ve started a new Project - My Penfriend. We´re a going to write letters to the students from another country in English. In such a way we´ll make new friends and use English for it!

Your homework is to write 6 sentences about yourself (What´s your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Where are you from? What do you like to do in your free time? What´s you favourite subject at school? etc.).
Also learn by heart one phrase from the copy with "ow" and "ou" (you can learn more than one).

viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

30/01 Thursday. Class 4

Today you´ve done a presentation of your projects "My City"! You did very well!
You all get 10 points for Olympic Games!

Today we´ve started a new topic "Where do you live". We´ve learnt some new words (city, town, village, flat, house, cottage):
Where do you live? - I live in a flat in the town. And I live in a house in the city.
Where does he/she live? - Monica lives in a cottage in the village.

In the house there is a basement, a garage, a garden, an attic, stairs, upstairs, downstairs.
In the flat there is a balcony, a lift.
Also some new words that we can see in the house/flat (fireplace, laundry room, skylight, ceiling, window, roof, walls etc.).

We also learnt a new song "House", listen to it again and sing along.

We read a strory about Eric and his house in Ireland. Your homework is to do exercise B in your copy (answer the questions in writing).

Extra task:match the parts of the house with the box below, write a number in a circle.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

23/01 Thursday. Class 3

You were so good today! You all did your homework very well!
Thank you those who have done the extra activity, you get 3 extra points.

Today we learnt how to move around the city:
turn left/right, cross the street, turn around, go straight on, it´s on your right/left;
and we revised the prepositions of place: next to, behind, between, in front of.

Also we learnt how to ask for and give directions:
Where is the supermarket? - It´s next to the cinema.
How do I get there? - Go straight on, then turn left in River Street. The supermarket is on your right. 

We did some spelling check and here´re your results for Olympic Games:
Player 1 - 7+3=10 points
Player 2 - 8+3=11 points
Player 3 - 10+3=13 points
Player 4 - 10+3=13 points
Player 5 - 3+3=6 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 7 points

Your homework is to prepare a project "My City"(10 sentences with a photo/picture):
What places are/arean´t there in your city?
Where are they?
What can people do there?

My native town is Chernihiv in Ukraine.
There are 5 churches in my town. There is a cinema in my town. It´s next to the town hall. People can watch films there. There is a beautiful theatre.
It is in front of the cinema. People can listen to music there or watch the performances.
There isn´t an airport in my town.
There are many shops in my town: shoe shops, pet shops, clothes shops etc.
People can buy different things there.
I love my town, because it´s small and beautiful.

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

16/01 Thursday. Class 2

Hello! Glad to see you again!

Wow, you were really great today! You worked very well! Great job!

So, we revised the vocabulary of places in the city and checked your homework! Everybody did it well! We also checked the extra task from the blog:
This is a cinema. People can watch films (movies) there.
This is a gas (petrol) station. People can refill their car there.
This is a hairdresser´s. People can cut their hair there.
This is a disco club. People can dance there.
Thank you Marco, Alberto, Sandra and Olivia for doing the extra task. You get 2 extra points for it.

We also created a real city with many places in it - an airport, a hotel, a park, a museum, a police station etc. Then you were describing you city:
There is a cinema in my city.
There isn´t a library in my city.

All of you got 10 points for you cities and the presentation, so in total for today´s Olympic Games we´ve got:
Player 1 - 12 points
Player 2 - 12 points
Player 3 - 10 points
Player 4 - 12 points
Player 5 - 12 points
Player 6 - 10 points
Player 7 - 10 points

Your homework is to write the sentences using your map (4 affirmative and 4 negative sentences):
Example: There is a cinema in my city. There isn´t a library in my city.

And now extra task (3 points):
Mary is very busy. She needs to do lots of things:

  1. She needs to send a postcard to her friend to London.
  2. She wants to do her yoga class.
  3. She needs to buy some milk and fruit.
  4. She needs to return her book.
  5. She needs to buy some Aspirin.
  6. She needs to buy a newspaper for her father.                                                                                   Name all the places Mary has to go to. Write it in your notebook.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Trimester II. 09/01 Thursday. Class 1

Hello and welcome everybody to our class again!
Hope you had a good holiday and now are ready to learn English and have a lot of fun with new energy! Welcome new students - Laura and Luis to our group!

Today we found out what presents you got for Christmas (clothes, toys, games, books, a bracelet etc.):
What did you get for Christmas? - I got a/some jacket/books for Christmas.

Also we started a new topic today - "Where do you live". We learnt different places in the town (a bank, a hotel, a post office, a train station, a supermarket, a shop, a bakery, a chemist´s etc.):
Where can I buy some bread? - In the bakery.
Where can I see wild animals? - At the zoo.

Here´s a list of our new words you can check it here - A list.

We also practised the spelling of the words. Do you remember how to spell them? Let´s check! Play this funny game on-line and check your spelling!

And of course we started our Olympic Games competition again. You have a chance to become a winner! Our first results:
Player 1 - 3 points
Player 2 - 4 points
Player 3 - 4 points
Player 4 - 3 points
Player 5 - 3 points
Player 6 - 1 point
Player 7 - 2 points
Your homework is to find all those words in the word search in your copy.

And now an extra task (2 points extra): Look at the pictures and say what those places are? What can people do there?